Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The coat closet redo

Today I decided it was time to finish up some little projects that had been sitting around needing to get done, but I just wasn't taking the time to stop and do them.

A couple of weeks ago I was inspired to redo our coat closet. It is comprised of ugly sliding doors, floor to ceiling, on the right side there is about 2 feet of space that can be used to hang coats and from there to the left side of the closet, the back wall is set halfway to the front of the closet so you can't hang anything else. It was just a bunch of wasted wall space. Thanks to Ana White and her closet organizing plans and getting bitten by the organizing bug at iHeart Organizing, I decided to come up with a shelf system that would work for that space.
So I did. I measured and decided how many shelves I wanted and how far apart they needed to be to handle some of our oddball sized books that won't fit anywhere else. So I attacked it one Saturday afternoon in the driveway, made all my cuts on my new miter saw, sanded everything, put on a couple coats of paint and left them to dry. Sunday morning, I painted the inside of the entire closet with an oops color from Lowes. Its more or less a seafoam green but with the hall lighting it looks more sage so it works for me. Once dry, I began to measure and install the shelving and within an hour I had an additional 10 feet of storage space in my house. Now I just need to get some bins and get everything that's in there organized and labeled for easy locating.
Once I get everything where it belongs, I will post pictures of the final product.

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